Thursday, January 1, 2015

About Me

Hello! My name is Arieal and I love food! I have been on a food journey for a few years now and have been really evolving how I approach healthy foods and how to inevitably change my lifestyle! I am NOT a huge gym rat or a huge health nut! I am simply a young woman trying to get healthier while I'm still young. I am a curvacious, 23 year old with a killer sweet tooth and a passion for travel! I have been to France, Italy, Monaco, Germany, Holland, Canada (of course), Morocco and Spain. Aka I can't help but try new foods where ever I am!

What really changed my life was 8 years ago. In 2007, I had been struggling with keeping foods down on and off for the year prior. I would be struck with this terrible pain all over my body if I ate ANYTHING and would be stuck in bed. These would last all day and sometimes even weeks. I had ultrasounds of all my "main" organs and they couldn't find anything wrong with me. My mom even started to think I was making it up!!! However one day it all changed. At the time I was still in High School and of course I was in class. I suddenly felt so sick, everything was just coming out of me. That day about an hour later, I had emergency gallbladder removal. My gallbladder had burst and sent toxic bile all over my body, I was literally going into shock. Since having gallstones are VERY rare at a girl my age (I was 15 at the time) and having it burst even more rare, the doctors didn't even bother with an ultrasound of my gallbladder. Anyways, that's when I had to really concentrate on what type of foods I put into my body and how much food I should consume. Before I could go and have french fries or onion rings with a chocolate shake and not even think about it. After the surgery, I had to only eat "clean" whole foods like veggies, fruit, whole grains, non-fatty meats etc. If I ate french fries or a burger I would feel so sick from the greasy mess it was covered in, that I would be stuck in a bathroom for a while. (I know GROSS!!!)

Thus, I am ever still learning and evolving. I'm a HUGE advocate for still enjoying life's beautiful ingredients! I'm all about having a good time (and a GOOD meal) when out with friends or family (on holidays or night outs etc.) and indulging once and a while. I still struggle with trying not to go CRAZY on free bread or dessert! LOL 

For me in a nutshell, I need a healthy nutrient rich balance of foods daily because my body just doesn't react to it, as it once had. A lot of women my age or close too seem to be able to still eat whatever they want, when they want and not seem to get sick or even gain weight!! That's why I wanted to share some of my recipes and workouts that work for me with you! I'm not the average 23 year old. I am unique and I'm always looking for a new workout or recipe to try!!! So please feel free to share what works for you too!

Thank you again for reading my boring old story and I hope you enjoy my blog!
Arieal c;

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