Monday, November 16, 2015

11 months Progress: Another Goal Achieved!

Today I hit yet another goal! My goal was to, in 6 months, loose an additional 11.4 pounds by December 1, 2015 and alas I did :D I have lost a total of 40 pounds since December 1, 2015!
I would like to add a little more about "how" I accomplished my 40 pounds lost. I literally (I mean everything that goes into my mouth) log everything into myfitnesspal app. I weight everything out too. I know some people it would drive crazy but I like ot know exactly how many ounces of Red Peppers I'm eating, not just a "cups" worth. My OCD kinda aids here too. It saves me from over eating and under eating. I sync it with my Fitbit app too so it shows if I have some flex room to eat more based on how active I have been. My Fitbit Charge HR also helped SO MUCH! I love it! I track every single workout and make sure to burn a certain amount of calories as well as it makes me keep on track in staying active with steps, step challenges, and the active minutes it gauges. 

December 1, 2014 marks the day I chose to change my eating habits and have a more active lifestyle. I have kept with it for almost 1 year! I have had goals to keep me motivated and to keep me accountable for making sure this is a permanent change as well. My first goal was to loose 25 lbs by July 11, 2015 because my family and I were going on a vacation to Florida. I not only hit that goal BUT I hit it early (by June 9, 2015) AND I over achieved my goal of 25 lbs lost; it was 28.4 lbs lost! It was an incredible feeling knowing all my hard work was actually paying off.

I knew after I hit that first goal that it was only going to get harder from there. I wasn't loosing weight anymore at a steady pace like I was used to. I mean it was seriously like -.3 lbs here, +2 lbs there!  When I started my next goal I was at 141.6 lbs. My next goal was to weigh 130 lbs by December 1, 2015, my anniversary of this huge change.  
Florida July 2015
Chicago August 2015
I had some challenges like Family Florida Vacation in July, then my Birthday (OMG I celebrate for like 1 week and it's just awesome dessert after dessert!) and our Anniversary (to Chicago-first time ever and so much GREAT food!!) in August (all in the same week too) and in September I had my brother's wedding in Wisconsin. Road trip after road trip! It's so hard to stay focused when you're starving and you stop at a gas station and it's either crackers, chips, cookies, etc! But I came prepared..well mostly! When we left I packed snacks for the long car rides and made sure to workout as much as possible before, during, and after these awesome events! I didn't deny myself of cake, cookies or Chicago style pizza or even a sunrise brunch! I simply enjoyed life and made sure to make healthy choices wherever we went! I also made sure to stay ACTIVE! It's so much easier said than done, but if you want it bad enough you'll make sure to at least for a nice walk ;)
My brother's wedding September 2015
You all are probably curious to know what my next goal is...My next goal is to maintain a healthy weight while working on toning and working on gaining muscle mass and loosing the extra bit a fat I still have. No, nothing crazy like a Jillian Michaels, but I just want to trim up some extra chub in areas and work on becoming stronger! 

I do want to mention how supportive everyone has been and a HUGE thank you to all of you! Especially, thank you Brian for putting up with my crazy 'hangry' days, chocolate and peanut butter loving nights and never giving up on me. And always willing to try new things with me and always being up for making dinner instead of going out to eat. You're so awesome and this wouldn't have been possible without you! Another shout out to my gym, Anytime Fitness of Wyoming! Kathy and Matt you guys rock at always pushing me farther and giving me endless opportunities to challenge myself; thank you!
Me and my sister doing a Boot Camp at Anytime Fitness of Wyoming
I just wast to say 'thanks' for reading more about me and my progress! I hope this has inspired you to take the dive and start a new healthy life style or maybe has encouraged you to keep going! We can do this!
XO Arieal

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