Saturday, August 8, 2015

Healthy Ratatouille

Let's face is, Ratatouille is healthy lol I just omitted EVOO and added more veggies than normal! Makes a ton and is so tasty! Can freeze up to 3 months too! 

*Disclaimer: I am no French Chef! I saw the Disney movie and thought yum I want to try it out someday, so I found an Americanized version :)

Be sure to add your meal into your myfitnesspal app and to weigh/measure out all of your portions!

Serves 8 people
Time: 1 hour 30 min

What You'll Need:
1/2 Onion, finely chopped (about 8 ounces)
2 Garlic cloves, finely chopped

1 small Eggplant (mine was WAY too big; next time I will cut it into quarters)
1-2 small Zucchini
1 Yellow Squash
1 Red Bell Pepper

1 cup Tomato Puree
¼ tsp. Oregano
¼ tsp. Crushed Red Pepper Flakes

Some Fresh or Dried Thyme
Salt and Pepper to taste


1. Preheat oven to 375 degrees
2. Slice and chop all your veggies. Onions and Garlic can be sliced or diced. Everything else should be in even slices
3. In a circular or square oven dish that's been lightly sprayed with cooking oil, pour Tomato Puree into the bottom. Drop the Garlic, Oregano, Crushed Red Pepper, Salt, Pepper into the sauce and stir it all together, making sure to coat the bottom of the dish as best you can. Then sprinkle in the Onions
4. With your evenly cut Zucchini, Yellow Squash, Red Bell Pepper, and Eggplant, begin to layer, starting on the outside/rim of the dish and moving your way into the middle and alternating your veggies. Mine turned out kind of ugly and I had a little bit let over, but that's okay you can save them or toss them
*Line up:
*Realizing I should have quartered my huge eggplant LOL:
5. Lightly spray the top of the veggies, sprinkle some Fresh Thyme and place some aluminum foil over the dish
*Ready for the oven: 
6. Cook for 45-60 min. Veggies and sauce should be bubbling but the veggies should not be soggy and limp
7. Serve up and enjoy! 

**I served mine with some Chicken Breast and tossed a dollop of Goat Cheese atop of my Ratatouille-the Goat Cheese adds the creamy omg factor!! 

1 Serving Size:
1 cup Ratatouille 62 calories

1/2 ounce Goat Cheese 35 calories
Total: 97 Calories

*Thanks to for this awesome and simple recipe. I changed a few things to fit my palette and cooking style, but overall simple divine! 

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