Monday, December 21, 2015

Roasted Salmon & Beets with an Herb Vinaigrette Dressing

This was a fun recipe to try, though it takes some time to prepare! I saw something like it in a magazine and thought it would be an interesting recipe to try out!

Be sure to add your recipe into your myfitnesspal app and to weigh/measure out all of your portions!  

Makes 3-4 servings
Time: 45 min

What you'll need:
1 1/2 lb Salmon Fillet, skinless and boneless
6 large Beets (red or golden), thinly sliced
1 Tbsp Chives, finely chopped (dried chives would be okay too)
1 Tbsp Tarragon, finely chopped (dried tarragon would be okay too)
1 Tbsp Flat Leaf Parsley, finely chopped (dried parsley would be okay too)
3 Tbsp Shallots, finely chopped
1 tsp Lemon Peel
1/4 cup Fresh Lemon Juice 
4 Tbsp Extra Virgin Olive Oil
4 oz Baby Lettuce

1. Preheat oven to 450 degrees

2. On a baking sheet lined with parchment paper that's been lightly sprayed with cooking oil, place Beets forming a bed (for the Salmon to lay on later), lightly sprinkle Pepper and Salt. Cook for 20 min
3. While the Beets are cooking, combine finely chopped Chives, Parsley, Tarragon into a bowl, set aside. Whisk Shallots, EVOO, Lemon Peel, Lemon Juice, and 1 Tbsp of the Herb Mixture together. Add Salt and Pepper to taste; this is the Lemon Herb Dressing. Set aside
5. After 20 min the Beets should start to golden, place the Salmon on top of the Beets, and lightly spray with cooking oil (or brush with 1/2 Tbsp EVOO), Salt, Pepper, and the rest of the Herb Mixture. Cook for 15 min
6. Once the Salmon is cooked, weigh out 100 g cooked Beets, 5 oz Salmon, 1 oz Baby Lettuce. Put 1/2 Tbsp of the Lemon Herb Dressing on the Baby Lettuce and 1/2 Tbsp Dressing on top of the Salmon. Enjoy! 
*You'll have extra Lemon Herb Dressing!

1 Serving Size:
5 oz Herb Rubbed Salmon 261 calories

100 g Cooked Beets 44 calories
1 oz Baby Lettuce 5 calories
1 Tbsp Lemon Herb Vinaigrette 52 calories
Total: 362 Calories

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