Tuesday, June 9, 2015

6 months Progress Pictures

Yes, I am still kicking butt at the gym and eating clean, my work is never finished LOL So I have been asked to share, so I will...*cringing at my starting pics*...Remember I have come this far not by cheating, no diet plans or pills, no gimmick weight loss magic crap. Just HARD WORK and HEALTHY FOOD! You can do this too and it takes time!
I have always been on the heavier side and the last time I was 145 lbs was 2010. So breaking that streak, I am continuing my progress to make me a stronger healthy person. I am not about the scale but the muscle and eating healthy wholesome foods and STAYING this way for LIFE!
Meals: I focus on lean proteins in every meal. I try to eat raw as much as possible too! Fresh red peppers have been my thing lately a long with Greek Yogurt! I like to trick my mind into thinking I have got a real sweet treat (when I really want ice cream with hot fudge) when it's actually just Dannon Light and Fit Boston Cream Pie Greek Yogurt. I'll even add some graham crackers or salt-free walnuts for a crunch. This actually works for me and keeps me satisfied and my sweet tooth under control.
Exercise: My main goal is to be as active as I can. My Fitbit Charge HR really helps me keep track of my calories burned and it's accurate because it's always monitoring my heart rate (during and in between workouts too). I started off with burning about 300 calories per workout. Now I'm burning over 500 calories per workout and that's including walking more than 15,000 steps in a day at work. When I'm off of work (like weekends or holidays) I struggle with staying as active. Luckily I have a dog who keeps me moving :) So my advice is if you're new to this, start small; 30 min walk everyday. Slowly increase that once you've got the habit of getting out and going. Also I lift weights in addition to my Cardio (30 min minimum of Cardio and 30 min minimum of Strength Training is my motto). It's important to be building muscle too! And no, you won't look weird!

I tracked my BMI as well (they have a device free at the gym):
December 1, 2014
Starting weight: 170 lbs 
Height: 5'3"
Age: 23
BMI #: 30.1
26.2% Body Fat
61 lbs Fat
109 lbs Muscle

June 8, 2015 (I did this in 6 week intervals that's why it's off from 6 months exactly)
Weight: 141.6
Height: 5'3"
Age: 23BMI #: 24.4
28.6 % Body Fat
40.5 lbs of Fat
101.1 lbs of muscle 
Lastly, stay positive and reward yourself! You are your biggest bully at times and you have to take care of your mind, body and soul. My goal was 25 lbs lost in 7 months and I'd buy a new bathing suit for our family vacation in July. Well I hit it (a month early too) and I have started the search! I also told myself I could have a candy bar and I did have a bite but I lost it's craving months ago; though for the record I do love chocolate so of course I loved it! Have fun with this! This big of a change is supposed to last for your lifetime! If you hate something switch it up! Or grab a buddy and try new things! Most important be happy that you are trying your best everyday and dammit that's good enough! <3

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